Maven settings.xml
Information about settings.xml in Harness CI.
Use a GitHub App to push commits
Use a GitHub App to push commits and interact with the GitHub API in your CI pipelines.
Use a parallel step to monitor failures
You can use a parallel Run step to capture additional logs.
CI step logs don't load in real time
Trim parent folder name when uploading to S3
Use codebase connector's Git credentials in a CI Run step
Harness CI supports seamless integration with version control systems through codebase connectors. While most Git tasks are automated within the CI pipeline, there can be scenarios where you need to manually execute Git commands in a Run step, such as when you need to Clone a subdirectory or run use Git Large File Storage.
Build and Push to ECR error
Gradle build and daemon issues
These are some Gradle issues you might encounter with Harness CI.
Kaniko container runtime error
Use images from multiple ACRs
You can use image from multiple ACRs.